St Blaise

Blaise, bishop and martyr – February 3rd

St Blaise (d. 316, Armenia) (Relics: Rome, Italy; Maratea, Italy; Dubrovnik, Croatia)

Many churches throughout the world claim to have relics of St Blaise. Three of these churches are listed below.

First Class Relics

San Carlo ai Catinari
(Saint Charles at the Catinari)
Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 117
Rome, Italy
*This church is near the Largo di Torre Argentina. It is dedicated to St Blaise as its full name Santi Biagio e Carlo ai Catinari indicates.
*On February 3rd several relics of St Blaise are presented within this church for veneration. Of special note is a reliquary which contains a bone from the throat of St Blaise. This relic is used to bless the throats of the faithful.
*The second chapel on the right side of the nave is also dedicated to St Blaise.

Basilica di San Biagio (Basilica of Saint Blaise)
Via Castello
Maratea, Italy
*Relics of St Blaise were brought to this city in 732 AD and now rest within this church. They are located within a white marble urn located below a silver bust of the saint. Also of note is the large 68 foot tall statue of Christ the Redeemer that overlooks the sea just a short distance from this church.
Dubrovnik Cathedral
20000 Općina Dubrovnik, Croatia
*Relics of St Blaise are kept within precious reliquaries in this church. On February 2nd and 3rd they are removed from the church and joyfully processed throughout the city during the Festival of St Blaise.

Churches of Honor in Rome

San Biagio degli Armeni (Saint Blaise of the Armenians)
Via Giulia 63
Rome, Italy
*This church is on the north end of Via Giulia. It is dedicated to St Blaise.