St Anthony

Anthony, abbot - January 17th

St Anthony (d. 356, Mt. Colzim, Egypt) (Relics: Zaafarana, Egypt; Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye, France; Arles, France)
St Anthony requested to be buried secretly in an unmarked grave. Therefore, the exact location of his tomb is unknown. Nevertheless several traditions have arisen about his relics. One tradition holds that his tomb rests directly under St Anthony’s Monastery in Egypt which was built close to where St Anthony had lived as a hermit. A second tradition holds that his tomb was discovered and that some of these relics were transported to France.

First Class Relics

Saint Anthony’s Monastery
Zaafarana, Egypt
*The tomb of St Anthony is believed to rest under this monastery as noted above.
Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye (Abbey of Saint Anthony)
38160 Saint-Antoine-l’Abbaye, France
*This monastery is located west of the city of Grenoble, France
*Relics of St Anthony are said to have been transferred here around the 11th century.
L’Eglise Saint-Trophime (Church of Saint Trophime)
12 Rue du CloƮtre
13200 Arles, France
*Some relics of St Anthony are also said to rest in this church.

Churches of Honor in Rome

Sant’Antonio Abate all’Esquilino
(Saint Anthony the Abbot on the Esquiline Hill)
Via Carlo Alberto 2
Rome, Italy
*This church is near the Basilica of St Mary Major. It is dedicated to St Anthony of Egypt.

Sant'Antonio dei Portoghesi
(Saint Anthony of the Portuguese)
Via dei Portoghesi 2
Rome, Italy
*This church is northeast of Piazza Navona. It is dedicated to St Anthony of Padua. The first chapel on the left side of the nave, however, is dedicated to St Anthony of Egypt.

San Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini
(Saint John the Baptist of the Florentines)
Via Acciaioli 2
Rome, Italy
*This church is just east of the Vatican. It is next to the Tiber River and the Corso Vittorio Emanuele.
*The fourth chapel on the left side of the nave is dedicated to St Anthony of Egypt.
*A relic of St Mary Magdalene’s foot also rests in a shrine to the left of the main sanctuary.