St Anselm

Anselm, bishop and doctor - April 21st

St Anselm (d. 1109, Canterbury, United Kingdom)

Place of Burial

Canterbury Cathedral
CT1 2EH, Canterbury,
United Kingdom
*St Anselm was originally buried within this church; however, upon the closing of this monastery by the orders of King Henry VIII his relics were lost. Nevertheless, the memory of St Anselm continues within the chapel dedicated to him on the right side of the nave.
*For centuries this church also housed the tomb St Thomas Becket (d. 1170). During the English Reformation, however, this tomb was destroyed. Some of his relics, nevertheless, still exist throughout the world.
*In the 11th century an arm of St Bartholomew was gifted to this church.  However, this relic is also lost.

Churches of Honor in Rome

Sant'Anselmo all'Aventino (Saint Anselm on the Aventine)
Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta 5
Rome, Italy
*This church is located on the Aventine Hill just south of Circo Massimo. It is dedicated to St Anselm.