Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order

The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order - February 17th

Churches of Honor in Rome

Santa Maria in Via
(Our Lady of the Way)
Via del Mortaro 24
Rome, Italy
*This church is near the Spanish Steps. It is run by the Servite friars.
*The third chapel on the left side of the nave is dedicated to the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order.
*On September 26, 1256 a miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared at this location. It was found painted on a stone and floating upon the water of an overflowing well. The first chapel on the right side of the nave preserves this miraculous well and icon. Cups are normally provided so that pilgrims can drink some of the water from this well.
San Marcello al Corso
(Saint Marcellus on the Corso)
Piazza di San Marcello 5
Rome, Italy
*This church is located north of Piazza Venezia.
*A chapel on the left side of the nave near the entrance is dedicated to the Seven Holy Founders of the Servites.
*This church is served by the Servite friars and the Order’s Generalate is adjacent to the church.
*A fire on the night of May 22, 1519 destroyed most of this church. Only the outer walls and a 15th century wooden crucifix survived. This miraculous crucifix can now be found in the fourth chapel on the right side of the nave. A relic of the true cross is also preserved within this chapel in a reliquary.