Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows - September 15th

Churches of Honor in Rome

St Peter’s Basilica
Chapel of the Pietà
Rome, Italy
*This is the first chapel on the right side of the nave.
*Within this chapel is Michelangelo’s Pietà completed in 1499.

Santa Maria in Via
(Our Lady of the Way)
Via del Mortaro 24
Rome, Italy
*This church is near the Spanish Steps.
*Along the walls of the church are the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. They are positioned like the Stations of the Cross. Also a statue of Mary pierced by seven swords is in the main sanctuary.
*On September 26, 1256 a miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared at this location. It was found painted on a stone and floating upon the water of an overflowing well. The first chapel on the right side of the nave preserves this miraculous well and icon. Cups are normally provided so that pilgrims can drink some of the water from this well.

Sant'Andrea della Valle
(Saint Andrew of the Valley)
Piazza Vidoni 6 / Piazza Sant'Andrea della Valle
Rome, Italy
*This church is located along the Corso Vittorio Emanuele.
*The second chapel on the right side of the nave is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows. A reproduction of Michelangelo’s Pieta is located within this chapel.

Santa Maria dell'Anima
(Our Lady of the Soul)
Via Santa Maria dell'Anima 64
Rome, Italy
*This church is near Piazza Navona. It is the German national church.
*A slightly altered reproduction of Michelangelo’s Pietà is located in this church within the fourth chapel on the right side of the nave.
Santa Maria in Trastevere
(Our Lady in Trastevere)
Via della Paglia 14 / Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere
Rome, Italy
*This church is located in Trastevere.
*The third chapel on the right side of the nave is entitled L’Addolorata. This chapel powerfully unites the sufferings of Jesus and Mary by placing the crucified Christ over a bust of the suffering Blessed Virgin Mary.
*Relics of the two popes St Callistus I (d. 222) and St Cornelius (d. 253) rest under the main altar of this church. These relics are joined by others in particular those of the priest and martyr St Calepodius (d. 232).

Santissima Trinità dei Monti
(Most Holy Trinity of the Mounts)
Piazza della Trinità dei Monti
Rome, Italy
*This church is at the top of the Spanish Steps.
*Within the first chapel on the left side of the nave is a copy of the Pietà by Theodor Wilhelm Achtermann. This unique and powerful work depicts Mary and three other individuals removing the body of Christ from the Cross.

San Marcello al Corso
(Saint Marcellus on the Corso)
Piazza di San Marcello 5
Rome, Italy
*This church is located north of Piazza Venezia.
*A chapel on the left side of the nave is dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Mary.

Santa Croce in Gerusalemme
(Holy Cross In Jerusalem)
Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 12
Rome, Italy
*This church is east of the Basilica of St John Lateran.
*Within the chapel located below the main sanctuary is a marble relief of the Pietà.
*Also a chapel accessible by the staircase on the left side of the sanctuary preserves a number of relics from Christ’s Passion.