Index - Location of Relics


The First Class Relics
Of The Saints

By Location

Rome, Italy

Adalbert, martyr
Agnes, virgin and martyr
Aloysius Gonzaga, religious
Bartholomew, apostle
Blaise, bishop and martyr
Bridget, religious
Callistus I, pope and martyr
Camillus de Lellis, priest*
Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor
Cecilia, virgin and martyr
Charles Borromeo, bishop
Clement I, pope and martyr
Cornelius, pope and martyr
Cosmas and Damian, martyrs
Cyril, monk
Damasus I, pope
Fabian, pope and martyr
Frances of Rome, religious
Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin
Francis Xavier, priest
George, martyr
Gregory Nazianzen, bishop and doctor
Gregory the Great, pope and doctor
Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr
Ignatius of Loyola, priest
James the Less, apostle
Jerome, priest and doctor
John Baptist de la Salle, priest
John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor
John I, pope and martyr
John XXIII, pope**
John Leonardi, priest
John Paul II, pope
John the Baptist, martyr
Josaphat, bishop and martyr
Joseph Calasanz, priest
Justin, martyr
Lawrence, deacon and martyr
Leo the Great, pope and doctor
Luke, evangelist
Marcellinus and Peter, martyrs
Martin I, pope and martyr
Mary Magdalene
Matthias, apostle
Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs
Pancras, martyr
Paul of the Cross, priest*
Peter, apostle
Peter Faber, priest**
Peter Julian Eymard, priest
Philip, apostle
Philip Neri, priest
Pius V, pope
Pius X, pope
Polycarp, bishop and martyr
Robert Bellarmine, bishop and doctor
Sebastian, martyr
Simon and Jude, apostles
Sixtus II, pope and martyr, and companions
Stephen, first martyr
Sylvester I, pope
Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor
Thomas, apostle

Northern Italy
Near Venice

Athanasius, bishop and doctor
Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor
Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor
Lucy, virgin and martyr
Mark, evangelist
Nicholas, bishop

Northern Italy
Near Padua

Anthony of Padua, priest and doctor
Josephine Bakhita, virgin
Luke, evangelist

Northern Italy
Near Milan

Aloysius Gonzaga, religious
Ambrose, bishop and doctor
Angela Merici, virgin
Anthony Zaccaria, priest
Augustine, bishop and doctor
Charles Borromeo, bishop
Columban, abbot
Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop
Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin
Gianna Beretta Molla**
Jerome Emiliani, priest
John Bosco, priest
Pier Giorgio Frassati** (Blessed)

Northern Italy
Near Bologna

Anne, mother of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Apollinaris, bishop and martyr   
Dominic, priest
Peter Chrysologus, bishop and doctor
Peter Damian, bishop and doctor

Central Italy
North of Rome

Andrew, apostle
Bernardine of Siena, priest
Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor
Clare, virgin
Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious
Francis of Assisi
Gemma Galgani**
John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor
John the Baptist, martyr
Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virgin
Philip, apostle
Rita of Cascia, religious
Romuald, abbot

Central Italy
Near Rome

Benedict, abbot
Bonaventure, bishop and doctor
Justin, martyr
Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr
Scholastica, virgin
Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor

Southern Italy
Near Naples

Alphonsus Liguori, bishop and doctor
Andrew, apostle
Bartholomew, apostle
Cajetan, priest
Gregory VII, pope
Januarius, bishop and martyr
Matthew, apostle and evangelist
Paulinus of Nola, bishop
Philomena, martyr**
Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor

Southern Italy
Calabria & Sicily

Agatha, virgin and martyr
Bartholomew, apostle
Blaise, bishop and martyr
Bruno, priest
Francis of Paola, hermit
Lucy, virgin and martyr
Paulinus of Nola, bishop

Southern Italy
Adriatic Coast of Italy

Nicholas, bishop
Pio of Pietrelcina, priest
Thomas, apostle
Timothy, bishop

Augustine, bishop and doctor

Anne, mother of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr

Basil the Great, bishop and doctor
Damien Joseph de Veuster, priest*
Francis Xavier, priest

Andre Bessette, religious*
Anne, mother of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Marie Rose Durocher, virgin* (Blessed)
Kateri Tekakwitha*
John de Brebeuf, priest and martyr*

Peter Claver, priest*

Blaise, bishop and martyr
John of Capistrano, priest

Barnabas, apostle

Czech Republic
Adalbert, bishop and martyr
Luke, evangelist
Norbert, bishop
Wenceslaus, martyr

Anthony, abbot
Athanasius, bishop and doctor
Catherine of Alexandria, virgin and martyr
Mark, evangelist

Anne, mother of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Anthony, abbot
Benedict, Abbot
Bernard, abbot and doctor
Catherine Laboure**
Chinese martyrs
Claude de la Colombiere**
Denis, bishop and martyr
Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor
Hilary, bishop and doctor
Jane Frances de Chantal, religious
John the Baptist, martyr
John Vianney, priest
Louis Grignion de Montfort
Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin
Martin of Tours, bishop
Mary Magdalene
Perpetua, martyr
Peter Julian Eymard, priest
Scholastica, virgin
Simon Stock**
Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor
Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor
Vietnamese martyrs
Vincent, deacon and martyr*
Vincent de Paul, priest
Vincent Ferrer, priest

Albert the Great, bishop and doctor
Andrew, apostle
Apollinaris, bishop and martyr   
Bartholomew, apostle
Boniface, bishop and martyr
Cornelius, pope and martyr
Hedwig, religious
John the Baptist, martyr
Marcellinus and Peter, martyrs
Matthias, apostle

Andrew, apostle
Basil the Great, bishop and doctor
Gregory Nazianzen, bishop and doctor
John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor
Luke, evangelist
Titus, bishop

Stephen of Hungary

Francis Xavier, priest
Thomas, apostle

Paul Miki and Companions, martyrs

Sharbel Makhluf, priest


Vietnamese martyrs

Paul, apostle

Christopher Magallanes and Companions, martyrs
Miguel Agustin Pro, priest and martyr* (Blessed)

Martin de Porres, religious
Rose of Lima, virgin
Turibius of Mogrovejo, bishop

Adalbert, bishop and martyr
Faustina Kowalska**
John of Kanty, priest
Stanislaus, bishop and martyr

Elizabeth of Portugal*
Gregory Nazianzen, bishop and doctor
Vincent, deacon and martyr*

John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor

South Korea
Korean martyrs

Anthony Mary Claret, bishop
Isidore, bishop and doctor
James, apostle
John of God, religious
John of the Cross, priest and doctor
Lawrence of Brindisi, priest and doctor
Raymond of Penyafort, priest
Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor

Bridget, religious

Peter Canisius, priest and doctor
Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr

John the Baptist, martyr

Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs

Gregory Nazianzen, bishop and doctor
John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor

Charles Lwanga and Companions, martyrs

United Kingdom
Andrew, apostle
Bede the Venerable, priest and doctor
John Fisher, bishop and martyr
Margaret of Scotland
Patrick, bishop
Simon Stock**
Thomas Becket, bishop and martyr
Thomas More, martyr

United States of America
Damien Joseph de Veuster, priest*
Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious*
Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin*
John Neumann, bishop*
Jude, apostle
Junipero Serra, priest* (Blessed)
Katharine Drexel, virgin*
Marianne Cope, virgin*
Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin*

*Note: The Saints listed with an (*) have Memorials or Feasts specific to the National Calendar of the United States of America as requested by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and approved by the Holy See.
*Also those marked with (**) are Saints or Blesseds of importance but are not on the Universal Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendar.